
Tavares Jones

Crushed by Your Own Love by Tavares Jones

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Tavares Jones, Author of Crushed by Your Own Love

Crushed by Your Own Love by Tavares Jones

MICHELLE, a twenty year old unemployed single mother, finds herself devastated when her bad choice in men claims her freedom and the relationship she once shared with her four year old son.

Filled with hard-rending betrayal, adversity, naysayers, and more, Crushed by Your Own Love follows Michelle through a gauntlet of sacrifice and redemption as she struggles to find herself and piece back together what used to be her life.
Book Trailer Edition 1


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“Captivating, raw and uncensored…”

– The Weekly Press

To protect his mother, teenager Clinton Ray a.k.a. Black must run away from his home. Forced to mingle with the worst elements and conditions of urban life, he meets Face, Penny and Zero. Together they fend for the American Dream.

Inevitably, experience provokes Black to observe his friends, his lifestyle and his own aspirations. In his journey of self-discovery, Black must learn how to survive on the streets of Chicago, alter his life decisions or perish in the confusion of life.

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