American Graffiti Anthology

American Graffiti is the call of the wild, a collection of urban fiction stories presented in a series of thought provoking storylines that paint the literary landscape.
American Graffiti features short stories that are topical and stretch the idea of what it is like to live in the contemporary metropolis. For universities, educators, librarians, parents, students and readers that want to engage discussion and enjoy African American literature. The stories are written especially for the urban dweller, and others are penned expressly for people who value the human experience.

From a boyfriend that wished he put a ring on his ex-girlfriends hand to a black professor whose home is burglarized and he is forced to defend his belongings to the police or a teenage boy who decides with his two best friends that they will become girls on the first day of the new year.
The authors in this anthology forge new bounds, dig beneath the surface of urban culture as they explore unique situations sure to engage your imagination. No longer does a subculture exist, it is culture painted on the wall, Graffiti.

Volume 1: Short Fiction

Volume 2: Creative Nonfiction

Submission Guidelines ? Submit the short story or essay (Creative nonfiction/personal narrative), double spaced, NO more than 5,000 words. incude author, title, and previous publications.

The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2012.

Send via email Put Graffiti Anthology in the subject line.

Each author chosen in the anthology will receive publicity to grow their platform and a viral video to market online. An honor.

An honorarium of $200 for all accepted submissions.


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Purchase the book in our Urban Media Store or from by clicking on the link below.

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